Looking to visit Newark, check out this fabulous video

For those of you looking to visit Newark this video tour by Gimbal Walk TV on a beautiful autumn morning is a must see.

It starts with a panoramic view of the castle from across the river which is a great way to entice the viewer in. The tour then heads into town via Castle Gate and Bridge Street heading towards the marketplace. It highlights many of the fabulous buildings that date back to the civil war and beyond. It stops to have a wander round the market pointing out certain specialist stalls and also points to significant buildings in the Towns history and the roles they had to play, I didn’t realise that Barclays used to be the Saracens Head coaching inn!

He then heads off to the riverbank again pointing out significant buildings on his route and takes time to talk about the great shops and restaurants the Town has to offer. He then tours the fabulous Castle Gardens bringing into focus the vivid autumn colours on display as well as the lovely walks in the area and the wide open spaces in which to relax, exercise and even walk the dog! He spends time walking around the Castle and giving you a feel of how fabulous this structure must have been when it was in all its glory.

He crosses the bridge to the opposite riverbank and enters the Riverside Park with the Castle dominating the visuals together with those vivid autumn colours.

If this has whetted your appetite to visit Newark and view all it has to offer, then please contact us to book your accommodation. Meanwhile to get a fuller picture of what is available to visitors why not check out our other posts highlighting what there is to see:


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